I’m a little confused about how to warm up food on Shabbat. I understand that you can only put fully cooked solids on the hot plate, but I’m not sure if casseroles count as solids. Generally I avoid the issue by eating cholent, which just stays in the cooker till you’re ready for it, but I’ve invited people over for Shabbat during pesach, and I was thinking of making lasagna. I’m a vegetarian, so making chicken won’t work. How can I warm up a cheese casserole? Thanks!

Shalom aleichem Rabbi Lauffer. If one has a havdalah candle holder with the words "borei me'orei ha'eish" written on it in Hebrew, would it be proper or improper to use it as a havdalah candle holder, considering wax from the dripping candle covers the letters and also wine gets on it? Thanks lot.

Why is it important to light the Sabbath Candles, and do we allow them to burn out by themselves by the end of Shabbat, or do we assist in the process?

I noticed that often after the name of a great Rabbi, the word "Shlita" is written. What does this mean? Thank you.

Where did Moshe stand when HaShem spoke to him from the Ohel Mo’ed (tent of meeting): from above the cover of the ark from between the two cherubim which are upon the ark of the testimony? (Leviticus 1:1, Shemot 25:22, Bamidbar 7:89 etc.) Did Moshe stood in the Kodesh — Holy — or in the Kodesh Hakadashim — Holy of Holies — at the times HaShem spoke to him?

If a Jewish person transports food on Shabbat, does that affect the kashrut of the item?

I was reading an article in The Yeshiva World, and the word 'przitus' was used, and I didn't know what it meant. Would it be possible to have the word defined, if that is done here? Thank you for your attention to this note, and to any help you may give me.