Hi, my sister wants to give the girls in her class a little glass jar which she purchased in a shop near by, and fill it with honey. Does the jar need toveling if she's giving it as a present? (I know that you can gift someone with fruit in a bowl that has not been toveled) thank you and have a good year.

There is only a small Jewish community and one orthodox shul in the place where I am planning to spend Rosh Hashanah. I just found out that they have a woman blow shofar for them. The rabbi there permits it and says she is the only one there who knows how. What should I do if this has never been what I follow?

I know we can make an early Shabbat. This year Rosh Hashana falls on Friday night. Can we make an early Rosh Hashana?

Why do we say "ayn banu maasim" (we have no deeds), when, in actuality, if you are shomer mitzvos, then of course you have deeds. It sounds very christian--if we wake up, put on tefillin, keep the mitzvos, etc, then....we DO have maasim--they may not be up to our potential, but, to say they are nothing??? I dont get it.

Is it better for a woman to hear shofar from a man, or is it just as good to hear from another woman or blow for herself?

Dear Rabbi, Teshuvah, repentance, seems illogical. True, a sinner should change his ways going forward. Yet, by what logic can a previous sin be forgiven? Why shouldn’t a person be punished for the bad he has done? Thanks!

Is there any requirement to toss bread in the water during Tashlich? In recent years, I have heard a lot of people say that tossing bread in the water is ecologically bad, and that pebbles or leaves should be substituted.

65 years old AND just Saw reform read a different Torah portion on rosh hasanah than conservative l thought we all Read the same just more or less