Dear Rabbi, Hi, I have been studying Judaism for a while now. After much deliberation I really want to covert to Judaism, specifically Modern Orthodox Judaism. I have found a synagogue in my area but I am confused in whether I should approach a Rabbi there or a Beth Din in my area for a halacha conversion. Sorry if this is a silly question, I couldn't find a straight answer straight away and I wanted to ask a trusted and knowledgeable source. Thank you so much.

Hello! I am 13 years old, and have recently decided that I would like to explore Judaism. My grandmother is Jewish, although from my understanding she doesn't practice much anymore. My parents however, raised me to just not have a religion at all. Anyways, I have a few Jewish friends at school who try to help me, but, frankly, I'm lost. I want to have a relationship with G-d, and I have been reciting the morning, afternoon, and evening prayer, along with some prayers for family and praying when I'm anxious/nervous etc., but I don't know how to pray, if there's a limit to how many times a day I can pray, if there's things that I should be praying before (such as eating) etc., so I really just don't know what to do. On top of all this, I haven't told my parents, and I'm really, really scared of how they'll react, or if they'll just think it's a phase of some sort. I don't really know what my plan is, but right now I guess I would just like to be a reform. Also, since my parents don't know, I can't go to a Synagogue or anything.  

According to Halacha, If there are conjoined twins and one wants to convert and the other doesn’t, is it possible for them to convert? The reason I ask is because bodily immersion in a mikvah is necessary to convert, but the Shevuot yaakov ruled conjoined twins are 2 people

I am in charge of signing up new members at the synagogue I attend. The synagogue is in a transition between rabbis now. We are not getting a new rabbi until September and we don’t even know yet who that new rabbi will be. This past Shabbos, a man we saw for the first time ever starting came to services. He says he wants to join as a member. I talked to him on the phone today and he revealed to me that his mother is a convert to Judaism in the Conservative movement, and he had a bris and bar mitzvah. I don’t know if he is really a Jew or not. Can I accept him as a member?

Hello rabbi(s). It is me again. For the last two and a half years, I've been very very drawn to the nation of Israel and the Torah and God. I've even kind of tried to convert to become a Jew several times (but that never went through). As of yet I just keep the seven commandments for the descendants of Noach. I also know that my mother's mother is Italian, and both her father and mother's side (my grandmother's mother is from a town near Rome) have Jewish DNA, according to my grandmother's DNA test. (My father is definitely Jewish, however.) What is your tradition/advice regarding this (ascertaining one being Jewish or not)? Thank you and may God bless you.