Supposed a married man’s wife wants him to spend time with her and his failure to do so could threaten the well-being of his marriage to her. At the same time, one or both of his parents want him to devote his attention to them to have their pressing needs met. He can only please one or the other. The scenario comes up suddenly and there is no time to ask a rabbi the moment it happens. Who is the man supposed to give priority to?

I know that if a child is born out of wedlock it is considered a mamzer. If it is conceived out of wedlock does it hold the same status? If the child is conceived out of wedlock and the parents subsequently marry before it is born does the child still have the status of mamzer? Thank you in advance for your reply.

With regard to OC"H 240 4 would it be permitted to look through a mirror or picture. By regular ervah the issur is based on hirhur and I would understand that it would be prohibited. However one may definitely think of this place, would there still be a issur? If you can give a source for your answer I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you, Theodore

Do you think that the collaboration between Islam, Christianity, and Judaism can prevent adultery from happening anymore? If so, please explain how.

My wife, who is not Jewish, has said she will convert, but for my benefit. Not because it is important for her. Why am I so adamant that she want it for herself?

If during niddah, a couple has no choice but to stay in a hotel room with only one bed, and the floor is not suitable for sleeping, what does that couple do?