Recently my son read my diary and found a negative comment about his wife. He told his wife what I wrote and she became very upset. How do I make amends to my daughter-in-law? It was never intended for anyone to see, and therefore I don’t think I did anything wrong, but I still want harmony in the family very much. Thank you.

My stepdaughter, a Jewish girl, is marrying a very fine Catholic man. My wife and I are looking for a Rabbi in the (withheld) area who will perform the ceremony for them. The groom wishes the actual ceremony to be held jointly with a Catholic priest. The wedding ceremony and the reception are to be held in a hotel so there is no "religious property" involved (ie. not in a church).

OS 275I was approached by a woman with the following story:"At age 52 I learned that my maternal grandmother was an orphan and was Jewish. As a baby she was placed in a Catholic household and reared as a Catholic. She reared my mother as a Catholic and my mother reared me as a Catholic.The story generated the following questions: "What is my status according to Jewish law? What is the status of my children according to Jewish law?" She is genuinely curious. I look forward to your response. Thank you very much.