My mother was born Jewish, but, converted to Christianity. According to Conservative law, am I Jewish?

Shalom aleichem Rabbi Lauffer. I once heard this prayer for a shidduch but I don't remember the exact wording. I believe it begins, "Ploni ben Plonis," and then something like "something v'hagun." Can the Rabbi tell me the correct wording of this prayer? Thanks a lot.

Hi Rabbi, does Judaism have a “secret recipe” for making a nation more united? It hurts me to see so much division in our society today. Thanks in advance.

UN Ambassador Nikki Haley recently told a joke at a charity event about the president referring to her a shiksa? What language is this word and what does it mean?    

If men are breakdancing on a train and play loud music while doing it, and one of them come around giving people a hand punch during the “show” and he comes to you should you punch his hand or avoid it and may come off as rude. Do to shomer negiah and that your also dressed as a jew so how you behave in public sets an example

A relative is planning to intermarry. How should I relate to them? Stay away from them or be close with them? Thank you Rabbi.

Two related questions - 1) If someone is gay, what should they do? 2) if someone is asexual (doesn't experience sexual attraction) what should they do?

I read that a husband must consent to a "get" in order to end a marriage, which has presented a problem for many women who seek a religious divorce in less than amicable situations. Is this true? If so, does a woman have any recourse if her husband refuses the get?