After decades of going to a reformed temple for high holy day services, I am going to an orthodox synagogue this year. The orthodox synagogue does Birkat Cohanim. I went to an orthodox synagogue growing up. I am a Cohen and participated in it. As of today, I have lived with my gentile partner for almost 40 years, but never officially married her. She and I raised two kids together who are now fully grown. If this is the case, do I qualify to participate in the Birkat Cohanim ritual?

Dear Rabbi, There is a special hand greeting done in the Star Trek series by Mr. Spock to "live long and prosper." I was told it’s a Hebrew blessing and I have also seen it on plaques and souvenirs from Israel. Would you help me learn more about it? Thanks.

Hi Rabbi, There is a special hand greeting done in the Star Trek series by Mr. Spock to "live long and prosper". I was told it’s a Hebrew blessing and I have also seen it on plaques and on souvenirs. Would you please help me learn more about it? Thanks.

We are Kohanim. My elderly father can't get up to do Birkat Kohanim, or even go out to the Shul for that matter. What should he do? Thanks