Shalom aleichem. This video came out in the 80’s. It was an introduction to Judaism. Starts with creation, goes on to discuss all the holidays. It featured a family explaining everything about Judaism. I believe the video was intended for children primarily. The “father” had a mustache. In the seder segment the wife eats grated horseradish for maror, says that if you want to feel what it’s like to have fire in your mouth, this is what it feels like. (Or something along these lines). Do you recognize this video and know the name of it? Thanks.

I was recently in a serious car accident that I narrowly survived and am okay. Someone I met said that there is a special blessing I should say. Could you please tell me more about this blessing — such as the basic rules for saying it and the words of the blessing? Thanks.

If we say hamotzi blessing to bread made of oat and sehakol to my morning hot chocolate, which blessing should I say to my hot chocolate when I put oat in it as well? I guess it depends on the amount of oat in the hot chocolate, am I right? Or would it be motzi only if I bake the oat, but not when I cook it, even in my hot chocolate? Maybe I should say mezonot as a halfway between motzi and sehakol? I don't eat gluten, so I don't really have many opportunities to say motzi, because even if bread or challa has oat in it, it can't be made only of oat, or at least I don't do it. So this is the origin of my question: if I can add the amount of oat to my hot chocolate so it would be motzi, or it would never be, as motzi blessing is only to baked goods and not cooked? From what amount of oat in my hot chocolate would I need to change my sehakol blessing and to what, if it matters at all?

Dear Rabbi, There is a special hand greeting done in the Star Trek series by Mr. Spock to "live long and prosper." I was told it’s a Hebrew blessing and I have also seen it on plaques and souvenirs from Israel. Would you help me learn more about it? Thanks.

What is the reason for the exact order of the blessings in the Amidah? Why is it that, for example, Slach Lanu is #6 or the blessing for rain is #9 or Modim is #17? Why is it that no other blessings were put in any other position? Was it made this way at random, or for a specific reason?

Hi Rabbi, what is the idea and what is the text for the special blessing said in the spring when seeing blossoming fruit trees? Thanks.

Hi Rabbi, There is a special hand greeting done in the Star Trek series by Mr. Spock to "live long and prosper". I was told it’s a Hebrew blessing and I have also seen it on plaques and on souvenirs. Would you please help me learn more about it? Thanks.

Elokeinu Vei-Lo-Hei Avoteinu Ya-Aleh V'Yavo is recited on Rosh Chodesh and Festivals. This special section is added in BOTH Birkat HaMazon and 5th Bracha (R'Tzei) in the Amidah. On Shabbat we recite R'Tzei V'Ha-Cha-Li-Tzei-Nu in Birkat HaMazon. Is this section recited within any other prayers?