Kabbalat Shabbat services order of the ending prayers - Amidah, Vayechulu, Magen Avot, Kiddush, Aleinu, Mourners Kaddish. In some prayer books the following verse is inserted before Vayechulu - Vayehi erev vayehi boker yom hashishi (and it was evening and it was morning, the sixth day). Why is this verse inserted in some prayer books? And why not in all prayer books? Someone told me that it may have something to do with saying the prayers in synagogue vs at home.

There is gluten free bread on the market that looks and tastes just like regular bread and the bracha is shehakol. Is a person who does not require a special gluten free diet permitted to use this bread to dodge washing hands and benching when doing so is inconvenient?

If I forget to say a bracha before I begin eating an item, and then suddenly remember, can I say the bracha even though I have already started eating it? I vaguely remember that I cannot say it after the fact, that I've missed the opportunity. What is correct? To say it late, or not to say it? Thanks!

Amidah Facts that I know: (1) The first 3 brachot and the last 3 brachot are the same in all Amidah prayers (Shacharit, Mincha, Maariv), except bracha 7 is Sim Shalom at Shacharit and Shalom Rav at Mincha and Maariv. (2) There is no Kedusha in Maariv Amidah. (3) The middle bracha is one bracha for Shabbat and 13 brachot for weekdays. Questions: (Q1) Are Weekday Shacharit and Weekday Mincha amidahs exactly the same? (Q2) Do the words in the Kedushah change? Weekday Shacharit vs Weekday Mincha, Weekday Shacharit vs Shabbat Shacharit, Weekday Mincha vs Shabbat Mincha Thanks.

I have a degenerative eye condition and want to know what the Torah and Chazal say about disability. I really need some chizuk, as things have been very hard lately, and facing the prospect of totally going blind is terrifying. Also, I kind of recall from high school a Medrish or Gemorrah about the Greeks having a statue of Avraham with a limp, and Yitzchak being blind, and I wanted to know if there was more to that, and where its from. Thank you so much.

Dear Rabbi, would you please send me the blessing for eating bread? I cannot find it. Thank you!

My mother died on March 9, 2o20. When exactly do I finish saying kaddish? Thank you.

The Artscroll Siddur says it is forbidden to recite any Torah passages prior to reciting Birkat HaTorah in the morning. Suppose for some reason you cannot daven the full Shacharit by the latest time for reciting Shema. You want to recite just the Shema before that deadline and then the other prayers later. Since the Shema is a series of Torah passages, are you also required to recite Birkat HaTorah before you recite Shema?