As we all know, Tachanun is omitted on some days. If on a day Tachanun is customarily recited, one must omit some prayers in order to shave time off their davening, is Tachanun first in line to be omitted? If general, if one does not have time for full davening, what prayers should one axe from Shacharit, and in what order?

שלום עליכם לכולכם, My question is on parashat Bereshit chapter 1. Why did Elokim created Adam in His image while He said "Let us make man in our image?" What about their images, the image of Earth or Angels? Bereshit 1:27 tells us Elokim created Adam in his image, not in their image. If he said Let us make man in our image, then why not it is written, "Elokim created Adam in his image and in their image? thanks

Shalom Rav. Before eating say a salad, should I start with "fruit from tree" (avacado, olives) then continue with "Adamah" toms, cues etc. then "Bidvaro" for the cheese? Would really like to know the correct method. Is there a special order? Also having said the blessing for eating the avocado, do I need to say another for the olives, or is it covered with the first blessing. Thanks for any help that you can give me.

Hi Rabbanim. Sorry for my ignorance but when making the blessing before drinking from a large water bottle, is it a "one and done" or do I then need to say the blessing again minutes/hours later taking another sip?  

Is one permitted to pray directly to G-d in his own words for him/herself to have things s/he badly desires? Things like money, a luxurious lifestyle, a good spouse, healthy children, material possessions, etc. Is G-d likely to grant these wishes if one prays? Or is G-d more likely to deny these requests?