I often get angry and tend to act irrationally while I’m angry. I realize that things I said or done in anger are always destructive for me and my family. What prayer can help overcome my anger?

I learned that every Jew has a portion in Olam Haba, because a Jewish soul is a piece of HaShem Himself. But I also learned that Gehazi, the servant of Elisha, has no portion in Olam Haba. Is it possible that a Jew, like Gehazi, doesn't have a portion in Olam Haba?

What are the differences between the Hebrew and Yiddish languages?

Suppose I’m in shul. It’s during a time silence is mandatory, such as prayer or Torah reading. I am sitting next to someone who seemingly doesn’t know or care and keeps asking me a pressing question. I refuse to answer because of the mandatory silence, so he keeps on asking me louder and louder and more persistently trying to get the answer. Is it preferable for me to ignore him, which would cause him to keep talking increasingly annoyingly? Or is it better to make an exception and answer him, which would satisfy and silence him? I’m asking because I recently had a situation like this, and walking away or changing seats wasn’t an option either because of the crowd size.

What are the Jewish laws for transgender people? Are they considered according to Halacha to be their birth or assumed gender? In what gender’s side of a synagogue do they sit? Which gender’s ritual laws are they required to follow? Does a woman who became a man put on tefillin? Is a man who became a woman exempt? What gender person is one supposed to marry? Must a man who became a woman dress according to modesty laws of women? Is there a problem seeing members of one’s assumed gender dressed immodestly or having members of one’s assumed gender seeing one dressed immodestly? Is there a problem being isolated with members of one’s birth or assumed gender? Must one refrain from physical contact with members of one’s birth or assumed gender? How are these issues addressed?

Vayikra chapter 7 says about burnt and guilt offering. Today what can be used instead of guilt offering?

If someone washes your windshield without your permission and against your will at a busy intersection with the expectation of payment, are you required according to Halacha to pay them?

I am going to the Mikve for an Orthodox conversion IN ISRAEL. What must I know?

1. Do we believe in souls? if so, what happens to people's souls before they are born or after they die?2. If there's no hell what are the repercussions of not following Jewish commandments or law?3. What is the Jewish perspective on abortions?4. If a child is adopted are they considered Jewish?5. What is the official stance on same sex marriages?6. If a Jewish child is adopted by non Jews are they still considered Jewish by Jewish law?7. Why are women exempt from going to Shul three times a day but men arent?8. Why do we have to wait 8 days to circumcise a boy?9. Why do we have to wait 3 years to cut a boy's hair?10. Why do we concentrate mostly on Torah teachings instead of the other books of Tanach?