Shalom aleichem Rabbi Lauffer. Thank you for answering my last question. It says in seforim that one says "Baruch hu u'varuch shemo” at the end of each bracha in Shemoneh Esrei. But I have heard some people say "Baruch Shemo" instead. Is either one correct halachically, or only the former? Thanks a lot.

Shalom aleichem Rabbi Lauffer. Thank you for answering my last question. Would one be allowed to text someone a greeting or any other type of texting conversation before he has davened shacharis and after dawn, or would this come under the prohibition of greeting people or otherwise talking to them before he has davened shacharis. Thanks a lot.

"Adonai, s'fatai tiftach ufi yagid t'hilatecha" Opening line of the Amidah Is this line supposed to be recited every time we say the Amidah? Is it said at Shacharit, Musaf, Mincha, and Maariv? Is it a personal line said quietly or does the Cantor say it aloud? Is it said during the repetition of the Amidah? It seems that in my congregation it is only recited out loud periodically and with a special niggun. Thanks.

Dear Rabbi, Why do many people "shuckle" back and forth during prayer? Isn't it disrespectful to sway back and forth when we are "talking" in our own way to God? Thanks!

Dear Rabbi, I am searching for a Hebrew grammar book which has sigular and plural number charts, niqqud charts, and a large number of vocabulary of Hebrew words. Could you recommend this type of book? If you tell me the name of this type of Hebrew grammar book, I will try to buy this at online. How I can speak Hebrew fluently? Can you give me some advice for that please?

Is it a bad idea to ask for wealth from God? I think that it is not if one cannot himself/herself do any work because of one's own health.

Is there any prayer to get a good wife? If there is any Pslam for that, please mention its number.

HI am a female in my twenties and haven some question regarding standing during certain parts of prayers. 1. What is the reason for standing during some parts of the prayers? 2. Are women obligated to stand in Shul at certain parts of the prayer? 3. Is it considered transgressing when everyone stands and you sit? 4. Is the obligation to stand different at home and in shul? 5. Does it make a difference if you need to stand, if theres a mechitza in shul and you cant see the ark? Thank you for your time and for this forum!

How should one read Psalm 82:1? How does the grammar works in this case? 1. Is it that G-d will judge the elohim from the midst of the assembly of G-d? 2. Or is it that G-d takes a stand in the assembly, and there, from the midst of the elohim, He judges 3. Or is it that He will judge with the elohim?   So: Does G-d judge against, among or with the elohim (judges).  

For the 10 Days of Repentance, in the Amidah, we say "hashalom" instead of "shalom" in certain places. Why? What is the difference in their meanings? Thank you