Why do we honor Hashem’s name? Ex. Ushmo Echad, Boruch Shem K’vod, etc. There are many times in the Tefilah where we mention the word Shem, and I’m wondering why.   Thank you

Shalom, What is the significance of the blowing of the shofar? In all its instances? Before or during battle, or other times? Is there anything spiritually signifacnt? Thank you

Question Born 1946 or 1947 I find this interesting, how does one not know the exact birth year of a living man? He built something that is a part of modern Israeli heritage, yes? Will his real birth date ever be published? Seems a little strange, looking at this from the outside in. I must assume it is either his wishes being honored by those who seek the information, security purposes, or poor records keeping. It matters not to me personally, but surely since he built He will be remembered in full, not just his name, but his chronology as well, one would hope? Perhaps it is not for man to know. As long as God knows the time of a man, then all is well, but are we robbing historians? Future generations? Obscuring precision? Could this potential flaw be used against anyone? If his birth year has a true answer, then should the truth not be shared? At least the TRUTH, should exist, even if not shared. By the application of Boolean Algebra, the statement on Wikipedia is true, regardless of which year, but when a scholar asks on a school trip, must the potential for a lie rest on the lips of the teacher?

Is one who is so poor that they are in dire straits and desperate for money allowed to recite a personal petitionary prayer to G-d for a parnassa on Shabbat?

Couldn't the Jewish nation as a group, or individually, invoke the prayer for finding lost items, in the merit of Rabbi Meir Baal Haness, to find the hostages in Gaza?

Hello, Why is the Tashlich ceremony before Yom Kippur? My daughter and I both felt it would be so wonderful after Yom Kippur; after searching our hearts and repenting we could celebrate the forgiveness of our sins. Rosh HaShanah seems too early to do it. And I've read you can do it up until Simchas Torah, but I've never heard of anyone doing it after Rosh HaShanah. Really appreciate your answer to this; thank you.

Shalom,   In Daniel 9:26-27, is this passage foretelling of the Messiah being sacrificed in the middle of the week?

Dear Rabbi, How can we pray for changing someones heart? Which prayers we should read? And how to pray for the impossible? Thank you.

Shalom,   I am hopeful you might help me understand the practice of ‘T’shuvah’.   I understand it is related to the atonement for sins, but I have a few pertinent questions about it.   Is T’shuvah strictly limited to only the month of Elul and the days surrounding Yom Kippur? Are others involved in the process. For example, if you are atoning for something you did that offended a family member, are they are necessary part of the process? Or, does the repentant seeking atone with or through God? Would you be able to reconcile the situation without the help or outright forgiveness of that offended family member/   I appreciate any answers you may provide.   Thank you for your time and attention.