Lechvod Harav, I was reading in a sefer that a person has a name from the side of holiness and a name from the side of impurity and depending on how he acts that's the name he will be fullfilling. Is his Jewish name the name from the side of purity and he has a totally different nam that we don't know about or is different sides of the same name.... I know that this is a kabbalistic idea but any clarity on it would be appreciated. Thank you. Bechvod rav, Leah

someone steals my friends food on a regular basis, can he put something in the food that will give the thief a stomach ahce? the food is rightfuly his so he should be able to do what he wishes to it. this will also stop the thief (who knows it is wrong to steal) from taking his food in the future. thanks you

Is there any general consensus or understanding about heaven and/or hell in Judaism?

Hello. Contemplating and thinking about the views that Judaism has on life and death has left me confused and searching for an answer. Could you please give me a basic overview of Jewish life after death, and if that notion relates to the coming of the Mosiah. Thank you very much in advance.

May I order free tzedaka boxes from the JNF (Jewish National Fund) for use in collecting tzedaka for other organizations or is that considered improper business practices? (e.g. 'fooling' the JNF by giving them the impression that I will be collecting JNF money with their boxes they're giving out for free and instead using it for another organization) .