Someone in school is constantly insulting me: I’m fat, I’m stupid, I’m a loser, blah blah blah. What does Judaism teach about how to respond to insulting behavior? Thanks!

Why should we tell the truth? I realize this sounds like a ridiculous question; we have all accepted that we should not lie. I can find instructions to tell the truth, but I cannot find an explanation of why. Thank you for your time. I look forward to your answer.

What do Jews believe happens when someone dies?

Why were some people made to be so cruel?

If I do not practice Judaism often but still believe in it, what should I call myself?

In "Life Behind Bars" (on, Naftali Silberberg examines whether life in prison, which is often seen as a more humane alternative than executing a convicted person, is in fact more humane and in line with respecting a person's dignity as required by the Torah. What's your take? Does the Torah favor one type of punishment over another?

It has been made clear that G-d determines our purpose on both a collective and an individual basis. If we choose our purpose, it becomes a goal, not a purpose. So what is Judaism's definition of a person's unique purpose and how do we go about finding it? Is it limited to correction of our middos (character traits) or is it more? Do non-Jews have the same type of individual purpose, notwithstanding that their general mission may be different? Thank you for clarifying.