I have worked with holocaust survivors for over 15 years. How can anyone who is Jewish have faith and trust in G-d Do the Holocaust? I've read that the Rebbe has said evil, and even Hitler was from G-d and that it is ultimately good. Like A surgeon cutting off a bad limb from the body. Is this true?

Hi I had a very strong dream, more than a dream, like a Trans status..with very Live sensations, emotion. Here is the dream : I am daytime, in a very humid forest, with poor light. High trees, water & Mud . I am surrounded by a a small group (5/6) very Tall, higher than me human like Humanoids without clothes like Monkeys without Face details (fine noise or eyes),no real expression, made of Mud & Water, like raw Humanoids, arms & Legs but like Gorilla & Bears...they are friendly with me they protect me. The atmosphere is good & Positive. I could be a friend of them, in a family.   When I woke up, I was in a kind of mental shock , described the dream to my wife . Usually a dream leave your memory but in this case I was awake, having my breakfast but mind in the forest with the creatures. Suddenly, a word came to my ears ; "Golem"...which was not really in my vocabulary. I checked on Internet and learned that Golem has a huge importance in the Jewish spirituality. But what does it mean for me to have such a strong Dream ? THANKS A LOT FOR YOUR HELP CM/San Francisco PS : I am french, I moved to California 12 years ago, not very religious (Protestant family history) but I have Shamanic Powers..huge connection&Sensitivity with Moon Cycles, Ocean ( I swim in the Bay Area every day) , volcanic/Earth connections. I am not Jewish but Jewish Friendly, always attracted by the Jewish Spirit & History & Values. My Jewish friends recommend I ask a Rabbi knowledgeable in Jewish Chamanic History...specifically on Golem (Central Europe roots) signification.    

Unless I'm mistaken, the premise is that there's a potential Messiah born in every generation of Jewish genealogy. How could the "Holy" sinless similitude of Hashem possess brutish, common, vile, perverse, tainted DNA ? Iyov 15:14: "What [is] man, that he should be clean? and he that is born of a "woman", that he should be " righteous" ? " Iyov 15:15: "Behold, He puts no "trust" in His saints; yea, the heavens are not clean in His sight." Iyov 15:16: "How much more "abominable" and "filthy" is man [ish] which drinks "iniquity" like water?" Iyov 5:7: "Yet man [adam] is " born" unto trouble as the sparks fly upward." Isaiah 64:6: "But we are "all" as "unclean" and "all" righteousness as "filthy" rags;" This would pertain to the potential Jewish parents of Messiah wouldn't it? Torah is emeth truth to the utter most high. I'm befuddled to say the least. Please clarify.

America~ [Aleph~Mem~Resh~Quf~Hei] Woven within these letters are the following words: Emoriy~ Aleph~Mem~Resh~Yud meaning "a sayer" Amorite; Amarayah ~Aleph~Mem~Resh~ Yud~Hei meaning "Yah speaks"; amar~ Aleph~Mem~Resh Verb meaning ~ say, utter ones heart, to answer, think, boast, avouch, publish, commune, command, declare; [qara~Quf~Resh~Aleph Verb~ meaning cry out, summon, call & endow, give name to, read aloud be famous, preach]; [araq Aleph~Resh~Quf meaning earth] [qareh~Quf~Resh~Hei meaning chance, accident nocturnal pollution, unclean] [qarah~Quf~Resh~Hei~Verb~ meaning ~ build with beams like the N.Y. twin towers, encounter, befall]; [mara~Mem~Resh~Aleph Verb~meaning~ lift up self, whip rebel , lash , be filthy]; [Mare~Mem~Resh~Aleph~ means "bitterness" rebellion]; [mare~Mem~Resh~Aleph~means lord, master, of ( king) of (G-d)]; [mareh~Mem~Resh~Aleph~Hei means vision, supernatural sight, goodly to look upon, fair, mirror]; [yaraq~Yud~Resh~Quf Verb meaning ~ to spit ]; [raah -Resh~Aleph~Hei means bird of prey, American bald eagle]; [ramah~Resh~Mem~Hei ~Verb~ meaning to beguile,betray, mislead, deal treacherously, cast throw down,hurl]; [ramah~Resh~Mem~Hei meaning~ illicit worship, idolatry, facebook, twitter, media, Hollywood, pro~sports celebrities,mega churches]; [rimmah~Resh~Mem~Hei~ meaning~maggot,worm,decay]; [Horam~ Hei~Resh~Mem~means "exalted"]; [har~Hei~Resh means mountain,promotion]; [raqqah~Resh~Quf~Hei meaning temples,thinness]; [yaqar~Yud~Quf~Resh~ heavy,valuable,rare,costly, precious]; [imrah means Torah, Aleph~Mem~Resh ~Hei ]; [maraq~Mem~Quf~Resh~Verb means ~to scour, polish, bright,furbish i.e. sword]; [mriy~Mem~Resh~Yud~Aleph meaning well-fed fatted beef] [mriy~Mem~Resh~Yud~Aleph means~ rebellious,bitter] Final summation America was from its humble beginnings a nation "rooted" in religious godly principles. However,when the founding fathers "ousted out" the King James Bible and ushered in the Jefferson bible complied by Thomas Jefferson a cultural,spiritual descent into darkness began. Human trafficking seared the souls of "lily white" Americans who embraced its " vile " practices with open arms. The "sayer's" that cried liberty,justice for all became hypocrites,heretics, freethinkers guided by their own twisted,distorted hearts of hatred and disdain. Reprobate representatives governed the people, as slavery flourished and enriched the lives of the elitist few. The great "eagle" nation was born, drenched in treachery,greed, lies, pride & lust. Four hundred years of despicable atrocities have "disgraced " the face of the home of the "free" and the brave. Strange fruit, blood on the leaves, jetty black bodies hanging from poplar trees. Shall Almighty G-d not make inquisition for innocent blood? Psalm 9:12 When He makes inquisition for blood, He remembers them: He forgets not the "cry "of the humble. Moral decrepitude is the stench of this society "seethed" and " soaked" in sin. Psalm 50:21 These things thou has done and I kept silent; thou thought that I was as thyself: but I will reprove thee (America) and set them in order before thine eyes. Psalm 50:22 Now consider this ye that "forget" Elowahh, lest I tear in pieces and none to deliver. Torah has been tossed behind the backs of the people and everyone leans to their own understanding. Smooth,slippery, serpentine tongues spew out flatteries: and the heathen are knitted together with one consent. There is no "balm"(Torah) in America. Torah is medication to heal this contrite, broken world. Is the coming of Mashiach incumbent upon our obedience to Torah and giving freely to those in need, while yet elevating each soul to a higher Spiritual frequency? Also, as we are all Bet houses, which resemble an "open" house with a breached wall, is Mashiach the missing Bet wall, transforming one into a perfected Closed Mem?

Some people are quiet by nature and more introverted while others are more rowdy and extroverted. Does Judaism teach that one of these two personalities is better?

Hi Rabbi. I heard that Judaism teaches to judge others favorably, which to me sounds similar to not really judging them at all. What does this principle mean and would you give me an example? Thanks!

I have always been confused about the concept of punishing the people as a group for the sins of some. Indeed everyone did not sin, yet "the people of Israel" must endure punishment for the transgressions of some. I have been taught each of us must bear the responsibility for our actions. I don't recall being taught that I am responsible for the actions of others, even people I do not know nor have ever met. Yet, it seems that whenever there is a terrible event, wars, exiles, the holocaust, etc., it is because we are all being punished for the transgressions of some. I need a better explanation than a cryptic quotation from the Torah or Talmud. I would like very much to have a more complete explanation.

I met some people whose idealogies are exactly same as those of Amalek which is depicted in Torah. They made fun of my faith in HaShem. They claimed everything in this world happens by accident, and there is no God. The problem is that I could not make a stand. I was a coward. How wretched I am! How can I fight with Amalekites? Should I just wait for Moschiach? Can you give me some useful advice? What shall I do to fight with Amalekites?