Dear Rabbi, I have two close friends who recently got into a fight over what I consider a very insignificant matter. It hurts me to see them so angry at each other and I would love to see them make peace. Thanks for any advice!

What is Judaism’s position on racism? I’m asking this in light of tragic events and the widespread coverage of what people are claiming to be acts of racism, especially in Minnesota recently.

I’ve seen the letters FFB and BT in questions, answers and articles – what do they stand for?

I want to know whether or not it is moral/ethical to “enhance” or “augment” human's beyond what is considered to be “normal.” Should we be able to “augment” or “enhance” human beings beyond that which we consider “normal” (as in, superstrength, super-intelligence, etc)? What is the Torah view on this? What are the sources? Thank you!

I have heard that it was the habit of a great rabbi to stand in the presence of a person with Down syndrome. Can you please tell me who that was and why?

Are wisdom and having a high IQ the same thing? I mean, can you be wise with an average IQ or foolish with a high IQ?

Hi Rabbi, does Judaism have a “secret recipe” for making a nation more united? It hurts me to see so much division in our society today. Thanks in advance.