I am an artist. One thing that is good for an artist in a primarily Christian country is making artwork for a tarot deck. I'm wondering if this is prohibited by Judaism, as I'm Jewish.

There is a rabbinic prohibition on harchakot during niddah. Is pouring meshuval wine considered it? Or no does it have a different din to regular wine?

Halacha prohibits rape. My question is whether “rape by deception” is classified as rape in Halacha

Take a gun and shoot someone dead from a moderate distance. All would agree this is an act murder, a violation of the sixth commandment and the criminal law of the land where they live. In a technical sense, what the killer did was to pull a trigger, which put a bullet on a random trajectory, which just happened to strike another person, who just happened to succumb to their wound, all as the outcome had the potential to be quite different. Nevertheless, the murderer fully intended to kill the victim and is morally and legally and halachically responsible, as this is not considered by any means a loophole to get away with murder. I have heard of other situations in Halacha where loopholes of this fashion are exploited as a way to consider other ordinarily forbidden actions permissible. For example, there are electronic devices designed for Shabbat use that send random electric signals, all with the intention of making the visible result normal operation of a normal electrical device. How can that possibly be allowed when in the above example, it obviously isn’t?

I know women’s singing is not allowed in front of men who are not related to u but is rhyming okay? like a women saying a poem at Sheva Brachos? (which men are attending) please answer asap because I want to say it at shabbos Sheva Brachos in a few days

According to Halacha, is the animal free Remilk from Israel considered dairy for the purpose of seperating meat and dairy? Or no, since the milk is not from a live animal is it considered pareve and therefor isn’t prohibited from consumption with meat (as long as there is adequate showing it is not animal milk so there is no problem of Marit Ayin)?

According to Halacha, should the beracha of Birkat Ha’ilonot, made when seeing a fruit tree for the first time during the month of Nissan, be made on fruit trees which are grown hydroponically or no? Is it a different din to regular fruit trees, or the same?

According to Halacha, eulogies are not allowed to be held on Isru Chag of Shavuot, and there is a very strong minhag for the other Isru Chags. My question is, does this also apply to a hesped for a Talmid Chacham?

According to Halacha, Jews should wait at least 1 hour (according to some ashkenazi Poskim) or 6 hours (according to most Sephardic poskim) after eating Hard cheese before eating meat. Since chicken mixed with dairy is only forbidden Derabbanan, may they eat it before their usual waiting period is over after eating hard cheese (so long as they have cleaned their mouth first)?