As follow up, I thought for havdalah drink and the drink for Saturday kiddush, a chamar Medina (such as etrog liqueur) is permitted (not for Friday evening shabbat). Secondly, is the principle of using a mitzvah object for another mitzvah an optional mitzvah, a chiyuv, or merely a minhag?

The Talmud/gemara in I believe Shabbat 117b states you should use something for a mitzvah for another mitzvah. Would using leftover etrogim from Sukkot to make wine for kiddush and havdalah fall under this category?

Do any poskim rule as a matter of Halacha that Spices from kedushat sheviit plants should be prioritized to be used in Havdalah for besamim, I could see it being a form of hiddur mitzvah

According to Halacha, should you say shecheyanu before eating Kedushat Shevi’it the first time in a Shemitta cycle, or no? I ask because there is a concept of reciting Shecheyanu before rare mitzvot, such as Lulav and shofar. However, I don’t know if Kedushat Shevi’it is the same in this regard, as there is a while it can be eaten.

Is using multiple wicks for Havdalah a chiyuv in Halacha, or minhag? If it’s a chiyuv, where is it sourced (in the Talmud/gemara)? And If you can only find a single wick candle, is it valid B’dieved?

According to Halacha: A) can a Seudat Brit be combined with Seudat Yom Tov or Seudat Shabbat? B) can the bread for it be Pat Palter or Pat Akum?

Some Poskim permit a Chamar Medina to be used on Passover if one can’t obtain wine for the four cups. According to the view it is a mitvzah to drink the fifth (I Believe from the Ran and maybe the Rambam), can a Chamar Medina be used for that as well? What about the view one doesn’t drink it but puts it for Eliyahu

The Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 25 rules you should put a Tallit on before tefillin, this is based on the principle of Tadir, mitzvot which are more common take precedence, generally. However, if one holds that a tallit made of material which is neither wool nor linen is only rabbinically obligated in Tzitzit, then which comes first, the Tallit or tefillin, as tefillin are a biblical law and this view holds that this Tallit is only a rabbinic law.