In this week's parsha, Re’eh, Moses tell us we may neither add to nor subtract from God's law as contained in the Torah or else we are certainly cursed so how can we carry on as good Jews when society itself has evolved, in certain respects, beyond the circumstances that gave rise to some of these laws?

What is the difference between the oral Torah and the written Torah Why are there two Which one are we required to follow

Two questions: (1)With regard to the mitzvah of shooing away the mother bird and taking her eggs, the reward for which is longevity, is it true that if the nest is on one's own property, it is not eligible for the completion of this mitzvah because it is on one's private property rather than in the public domain? (2) So if a nest with eggs appears several times on one's property and because the reward is longevity just like with honoring one's parents, is it possible that the Divine message within the repeat occurrence could possibly be to remember to honor one's own parents? Seems like a likely connection since Hashem communicates with us always. Please elaborate on this, if you will, in terms of this particular mitzvah and its relationship to longevity. Thank you so much.

Why don't we eat meat and milk together? Is it written in the Torah?

Can you explain the significance of having a mezuzah on your house and its power to guard the household, as opposed to it being just a superstitious belief? Thank you!

When I see a photo of North Korean Chairman Kim Jong Un and his haircut that starts way above his ears, I wonder why Judaism teaches that we should not cut off our sideburns. Thanks for any info.

OS 243I am making a needlepoint cover case for a mezuzah and there are two inserts available. One is hand-written, the other one is reproduced. Is there a religious difference, or just a price difference?