Dear Rabbi, I have been reading through Deuteronomy and the curses and blessings of God for the Jewish people. Are the Jews being blessed or cursed by God for not possessing the land and building their temple?

Hello. I am emailing to ask if one has been saving maser, can use the maaser saved for one's own Torah learning? For Yeshiva, seminary tuition, and the like? Thanks.

Shalom! I would like to know some halachot about grafting: Is it allowed to graft trees from the same plant species (e.g. two apple trees)? Is it allowed to plant such a tree? Is it allowed to plant a grafted tree which contains two species (e.g. a quince and a pear)? Is it allowed to plant a tree that is in itself a mixture of two species (e.g. a plumcot, which is a hybrid from a plum x apricot)? Thank you!

My question has multiple parts. Is one allowed to set an alarm clock to ring on Shabbos? If the Alarm Clock has a small pod that vibrates, is that allowed? Is the vibrating pod allowed to be under the pillow on Shabbos? If the alarm is set to ring on shabbos, is one allowed to turn the volume down before it starts ringing? If the vibrating pod is set to go off, is one allowed to disconnect it from the alarm before it starts vibrating (there is no electricity going to the pod when it's not vibrating)?

Dear Rabbi, I came across an article that stated that a Jewish person may not be buried in consecrated grounds if he or she has a decorative tattoo. Is this true?

Is it a mitzvah to support a free online Jewish Orthodox dating site, to help pay their staff? And would my making such a donation be considered a merit to help me meet my intended spouse as well?

Dear Rabbi, I read that it is important to cover your head and not walk more than 4 Amos without a head covering out of respect for the Divine presence. For what reason is this only applicable to men? Why don't women also cover their heads before marriage?