Hi Rabbi, is it true that a Jew with a tattoo cannot be buried in a Jewish cemetery?

Many Jewish organizations run raffle campaigns to raise money for themselves. If I buy a raffle ticket and it loses, am I entitled to deduct the cost of the raffle from my Maaser account?

Dear Rabbi, when I visited Jerusalem for the first time I noticed the divider at the Western Wall. What is the purpose of this division? Thanks.

Dear Rabbi, in Biblical times did the Jewish people practice polygamy? Were men permitted to marry more than one wife?

Hi Rabbi Lauffer, I just had a troubling mental conversation with myself. I don't know why this popped into my head but I asked myself how much do I really value mitzvos. If someone would offer me $1000 would I sell him my mitzvah of ner Chanukah from tonight? Then I thought no what about about $10,000 then I thought no probably not. Then I thought what if someone plunked down $100,000 cash in front of me for my mitzvah of first night of Chanukah. I'm afraid I would have a hard time not selling it. And this makes me sad. I wish I could say even if he gave me a 100 million I wouldn't sell it but I know I'd be lying to myself. I would like to know what I can do about this. What sefer to learn? How to value mitzvos more? Please give me a thorough answer I'm very troubled by this. Thank you for your time!

Dear Rabbi, I have been reading through Deuteronomy and the curses and blessings of God for the Jewish people. Are the Jews being blessed or cursed by God for not possessing the land and building their temple?

Hello. I am emailing to ask if one has been saving maser, can use the maaser saved for one's own Torah learning? For Yeshiva, seminary tuition, and the like? Thanks.

Shalom! I would like to know some halachot about grafting: Is it allowed to graft trees from the same plant species (e.g. two apple trees)? Is it allowed to plant such a tree? Is it allowed to plant a grafted tree which contains two species (e.g. a quince and a pear)? Is it allowed to plant a tree that is in itself a mixture of two species (e.g. a plumcot, which is a hybrid from a plum x apricot)? Thank you!

My question has multiple parts. Is one allowed to set an alarm clock to ring on Shabbos? If the Alarm Clock has a small pod that vibrates, is that allowed? Is the vibrating pod allowed to be under the pillow on Shabbos? If the alarm is set to ring on shabbos, is one allowed to turn the volume down before it starts ringing? If the vibrating pod is set to go off, is one allowed to disconnect it from the alarm before it starts vibrating (there is no electricity going to the pod when it's not vibrating)?