Shalom aleichem Rabbi Lauffer. Thank you for answering my last question. It is brought down in halacha (Orach Chaim 656) that a person is not obligated to spend more than 20% of his money on performing a positive mitzvah. Is the 20% calculated according to his total bank account, or is it calculated like ma'aser kesafim is, according to his yearly income. For example, if a certain mitzvah would cost more than 20% of the man's income for that year, but it would be less than 20% of his total bank account that he has saved up from forever, would he still be obligated to perform that mitzvah? Thanks a lot.

Sha'atnez is a mixture of wool and linen. The Torah forbids wearing any clothing that contains both wool and linen. Why not? What is so special about wool and linen? Please explain this prohibition. Are there other mixtures that also cannot be worn? Thanks.  

A Purim question. Where can I find the OK for men to wear female clothing and visa-versa? Thanks   Ken

This week we read in the Torah portion of Ki Teitzei (Deut. 22:6-7) that before taking the eggs from a nest there's a mitzvah to send away the mother bird. How do we get eggs today from a hen house? Are the chickens removed? If not are the eggs still kosher?

This week we read in the Torah portion of Ki Teitzei (Deut. 22:6-7) that before taking the eggs from a nest, there's a mitzvah to send away the mother bird. How do we get eggs today from a hen house? Are the chickens removed? If not are the eggs still kosher?

I’ve seen the letters FFB and BT in questions, answers and articles – what do they stand for?

I have been told by various rabbis (and by the books, articles, and web-sites which they refer me to) that a person who owns the animal must always feed the animal before taking his/her own food in order to avoid any cruelty to animals. However, I am recently informed by professional dog-trainers (and by the books, articles, and web-sites which they refer me to) that this must not be done in the case of dogs — because a dog’s nature is such that the dog always believes “whoever eats first is the leader, the owner, the one who must be obeyed”: therefore, I am told, a dog which eats before its owner eats will become untrainable and will rebel against its owner, perhaps even attack its owner. (This was shown to be in various scientific textbooks and documentaries on dogs’ instincts, abilities, and behavior is this regard. Dogs have no ability to set aside these particular instincts.) Therefore, in thé case of a dog (knowing these facts about the nature of dogs), is it permissible for the owner/trainer to eat first, so that the dog understands that the one in charge is the person (the owner/trainer) and not the dog?

Is gambling a bad thing for a Noahide?

I am a non-Jew and I try to keep the Noahide laws. May I also keep all the laws of the Torah?