Does the biblical prohibition against crossdressing apply only to wearable garments, or does it extend to accessories that are not worn? I am asking because I acquired many of my grandmother’s possessions as she is selling her house. Most of them I find useful are gender neutral, but one of them is an airline carry-on bag that is the best quality, most practical thing like it I have ever seen. The only problem: it is pink with flowers and looks so feminine.

My neighbor above me has loud drinking parties every Shabbat. They invite what appears to be dozens of young orthodox men over who get drunk and sing loudly and stomp on the floor all night. The noise they make really bothers me and I can’t stand it. I have tried talking to them, but they refuse. I have also spoken with a local rabbi who says he can’t help me. The apartment management hasn’t been of any help either. I am so frustrated. These men call what they are doing ‘oneg.’ Perhaps it is oneg for them, but for me it is utter cacophony that spoils the oneg of my Shabbat. I have thought of talking to the police about this and arranging in advance of Shabbat for an officer to come at that time and see it firsthand, but I don’t know if it is permitted to call the police on my fellow Orthodox Jews like that. What do you think?

The Mishnah berurah I believe brings down breaking a plate or glass at weddings as part of Zecher lechurban. A) Is this Halacha, or mere minhag? B) if this is Halacha, does the plate or glass have to be particular quality (like chinaware)

Since the Torah prohibition of b’sachar b’chav is cooking meat and dairy, is it okay to have carpaccio (raw meat) and dairy? What about reduced waiting times?

According to halacha, if one has enough aged wine to use for either Simchat Yom Tov or kiddush (and one would have to use non aged wine for the other mitzvah), which mitzvah has priority for using the aged wine as hiddur

There is a rabbinic prohibition on drinking alcohol at a gentile bar. Does this prohibition only apply to a gentile place designated specifically as a bar, or does it include drinking alcohol at any non Jewish restaurant, even if alcohol sales are a minority of its business

According to Halacha is it issur for somebody to touch a mezuzah before morning Netilat Yadayim? Is the din different if there is or isn’t a case for it?

Many years ago, I was sexually assaulted by a law student I dated. There was not enough evidence to prosecute him and he got away with it. Today that same guy has a wife and kids and is running to be a judge in my town and is in a close lead in the polls. I feel tempted to speak out publicly about what he did to me to keep people from voting for him. What I would gain by doing so is possibly ruining his career and marriage, which deep in my heart, I feel is the least I can do to punish him. But I know there is such a thing as lashan hara. Under Jewish law, what can I do?