What is the view in the eyes of Hashem of Jews who are raised orthodox and then go off the derech? How does Hashem typically punish those who do? Is the punishment severe? Are they denied a portion in Olam Haba for doing so? Is one who goes off the derech and later returns, either fully or partially, still punished severely for the time they spent off the derech? About half of diaspora Jews who are raised orthodox eventually do go off the derech. So does The All Merciful G-d really bring suffering upon 50% of those raised as Orthodox Jews just because they go off the derech?

Rabbi, how do you tithe today? Do you do first, second and third tithe? How to properly do this tithes? I am a christian i want to properly tithe to the Lord, can you help me. What other offerings i can do for the Lord? Thank you very much

Is it problematic to have a ringtone of a woman singing if there might be men around? What if the men around listen to women singing anyway? What if it’s just in a public place with a regular chance of Jewish men being around?

If a man is married to a barren woman and he loves her and does not wish to divorce her, is it permitted for him to have a relationship with another woman that his wife consents to in order for him to have children, just like Abraham did with Hagar?

Are wine barrel aged coffee beans from non Jews kosher? I can see two heterim for purchasing this, although I’d like to ask to confirm intellectually, nishtaneh, the non kosher wine absorbed into the coffee bean changes when the coffee is brewed, and zeh v’zeh gorem, the coffee bean and wine absorption are both contributing to the final product

The Talmud in chullin, establishes a principle of Nat Bar Nat, meaning pareve food cooked in fleishig or milchig pots/pans can be eating with the opposite (like eating fish cooked In meat pan with milk). Does this principle in the Gemara mean one can cook dumplings on milchig pan, as the casing is pareve and the pareve casing would be permissible to eat with fleishig due to nat bar nat? Is it different lechatchila or B’dieved

The Talmud Yerushalmi Yevamot 16:3 mentions an idea of using one’s facial features, such as their nose, to determine who they are. Are there any poskim who use this sugyah in the Gemara to pasken Halacha Lemaaseh that you can determine one’s status as Jewish or not based on their facial features/nose?

Dear Rabbi, Yesterday I was in the supermarket when a middle aged woman got angry at the customer service for a reason unknown to me. She then went on a profanity laced tirade in which she screamed at the employees. For most of the approximately 6 minutes this went on, I filmed the incident and showed the footage to my immediate family and a few friends. She then left quickly when she heard the police were on the way. As far as I know, her identity is unknown to the store and the police, and I surely have no idea who she is. The police just took a report, but because no money was stolen and no one was hurt, they don’t have any further plans to identify her. I have seen a lot of viral videos just like that on YouTube, taken by people who chose to film it just like I did. What I would like to know is if Jewish law permits publishing videos like this. I am concerned it could be Lashon Hara, or if any other laws prohibit posting this, since it is shameful to the woman who lost control.

Dear Rabbi, I am shopping for a new kosher mezuzah and was wondering how important the reasons and benefits of the mezuzah scroll are before I spend a lot of money, according to my budget, on a nice and kosher one. Thank you!