By Halacha, besamim isn’t used for havdalah when Motzai Shabbat is Yom tov. However, if there is a wedding, bar mitzvah, Brit milah, etc. being held the day after Shabbat, does similar reasoning apply To the individual and/or their immediate family and is besamim not used by them?

Some Poskim rule Marit Ayin is an issur d’oraita, according to this view are noahides or ger toshavs prohibited from Marit ayin in mitzvoth they are commanded regarding

Is it permitted to walk on a non-electric treadmill on Shabbat that is just a belt that uses gravity and has no electric components and does not measure anything?

I just read that one who disgraces Chol Hamoed loses their share in Olam Haba. I have also read the same about many other acts. Suppose one is well compliant with every law of the Torah, except for one, and the one law he fails to observe is one that it is taught one loses their share in Olam Haba. Does he still lose his share in Olam Haba, even if he observed every other mitzvah perfectly?

According to Rambam, meat which is Shechita’d by a non idolatrous gentile is only non kosher Derabbanan. For those who hold this, is it permitted to do business in (unlike other Nevalah meat which is forbidden to do business in, but not to benefit occasionally from)

My understanding is nowadays kohanim don’t eat Terumah due to presumption they have corpse uncleanliness. Since my understanding is a wife of or bat kohen is not prohibited from corpse uncleanliness can she eat it

According to Halacha Is a Rorschach testconsidered a prohibited form of soothsaying? The reason I ask is because the prohibition of Nichush means Jews are not allowed by Halacha to make predictions based on spurious connections, which arguably includes predicting personality types based on ink blobs. Or no, since it has support from some of the psychological community is it fine?

According to the Halacha, is it permitted for Jews to eat or drink during kriat Sh’ma, or no is that prohibited as a hefsek? Or no, is it not necessarily a hefsek to fulfilling the mitzvah? Sources please

Hello Rabbi, I wanted to know, how does the Gemara know prohibitory law and monetary law?

According to Halacha is it permitted for the shomer for the Chattan or Kallah to go out after the wedding to be disabled? Or no, does it not pose an issue even if they are disabled?