Does paying for one's children for things like food, clothes, school etc count towards the 10% of charity?

I saw someone’s question about dangerous jobs. What does Jewish law say about someone voluntarily entering the armed forces of their country (other than Israel)? Doing so is gambling your life for your country and whatever money you can earn.

I saw the question someone asked about conjoined twins. Indeed, conjoined twins can and do survive to adulthood. One famous pair I’m aware of appear as a two-headed woman who is alive now, 34 years old, and is married. Scientifically, she has the status of two conjoined twins with two separate minds that think independently and with two separate consciousnesses and personalities, while at the same time sharing some lower organs. She is married, but her husband considers himself married to just one of the twins. This woman is not Jewish. Suppose a Jewish two-headed person like this existed. What would be the implications in Jewish law? Would this person be allowed to marry?

As you know, one of the seven commandments of Noah forbids gentiles from tearing flesh off a living creature. Very sadly, undercover videotape has exposed workers in third world countries brutally ripping wool off live sheep (and other animals) as the animals scream in pain throughout the process. The wool that has been extracted is subsequently used to produce garments sold in major retailers in developed countries. When purchasing a woolen garment, there is no way of knowing how the wool was sourced. Is there a prohibition in Jewish law against benefiting from wool when there is a chance it could have been extracted this way?

According to those like the gr"a that seem to hold that the rabanan only argued with rav yochanan regarding "turning over the table" and agreed to all the other cases such as a kissing the osso makom which would cause a mute fetus rachmanan latzon. Can it be even if the woman is not pregnant meaning can kissing the osso makom today cause the birth defect when she gets pregnant in the future?

I am a kohen living in a high rise apartment. Many, possibly most people in the building are Jewish, many elderly. I recently learned that an old Jewish lady in the building died. I never knew her personally. I don’t know exactly when she died or if I was at home at the time. But I went to the shiva and heard she died at home. I want to know for future reference, if someone dies in the building and I am aware of it, do I have to leave the building until the corpse is removed?

I am a lightly observant reform Jew (ashkenazi). Observe high holidays and consider myself a traditionalist. My wife would like to pass my middle name to our newborn son as his middle name. I can’t tell how I feel about this. Can someone please explain what, if any, implications exist if we go through with this?