I don't know my Hebrew name. What do i do? Can i just choose one I like? Thanks

I would like to know how to define the root word ענה, what actual meanings are given to this root and what is the common denomitor? [I’ve found this root in different verses, so I don’t want to focus on just one verse. But to name some I came across this root in Bereshit 18:27, Shemot 10:3, Shemot 22:22, Vayikra 23:27, Yeshayahu 58:3, I even came across a phrase outside of the Tenach in which it could mean ‘apologize’ (נעניתי לך מחול לי)]

A hope this is the forum for this type of question. It's not about Judaism, per se, but I'd like to know the Jewish view on fighting back with words. Let's says bad things about me (untrue) - is it okay for me to "fight back" and say bad things about him in return? Thank you rabbi.

What happens to my question after I ask it?

Do Orthodox Jews believe in ghosts?

If someone is a widower does one keep his beard? Also what if he is divorced?

I have had contact with someone but I don't know if the person is a man or woman. His/her name is Pinky. I have met a man named Pinky though never a woman. Though there is a famous (Jewish) singer named Pink. Any help would be good. Thanks!

1. Are tattoos really as looked down upon in Judaism as much as my family has told me growing up? 2. The synagogue I went to recently had a new cantor. What are the qualifications a cantor needs to have? 3. If someone who is keeping kosher accidentally eats something that is not kosher, what is he or she expected to do? 4. When my birthright group had Shabbat lunch with an Israeli family, one of the guests had a philosophy background and interpreted many of the prayers in a fascinating way. Can you recommend any books that combine Judaism and philosophy? 5. While I love that I had my Bat Mitzvah on my birthright trip, it certainly didn't come with the same level of work that I would have gone through had I had one back at home. 6. What, specifically, needs to be done for a Bat Mitzvah to be considered "official". Are these qualifications different if it's performed in Israel and at the Western Wall? 7. Similarly, before my flight to Israel on birthright, I was asked a lot of religious questions, including whether I had a Bat Mitzvah. If I fly to Israel again and am asked that same question, is the answer "yes"? My concern is that the security agent will ask me questions about my Torah Portion, and I did not have one. 8. I learned a bit about the significance of one's Jewish name on my trip, but I would love to learn more. Are there any resources you can share? 9. I loved how our Birthright bus had different people read the Traveler's Prayer each morning. Are there any other prayers related to travel that you can share? 10. I have been told that Jews do not hold baby showers or buy anything for a new baby before it's born. Can you explain the root of this?

1. How do Rabbis make money if not affiliated with a shul? 2. What is a shadchan? 3. Can a gay man become a Rabbi? 4. Are Kabblah organizations related to Judaism? 5. How many names does G-d have? 6. Do Orthodox Jews believe in the evil eye/Hamsa hand? 7. Do Orthodox Jews see the hamsa as a symbol of protection? 8. What is midrash? 9. Is there room for belief in evolution in Judaism? 10. Are all fruits and vegetables considered kosher?