May a Jew burn an incense stick in the Synagogue? It is made from bamboo stick, red sandal powder and perfumed rice.

In Exodus 15:26 it says "I am the Lord who heals you." How does this relate to us today? Is this a promise for us to live by? I have some friends who take this promise literally and refuse any kind of medical treatment. Does Judaism teach not to go to a doctor? Is using a doctor not trusting God? Thank you.

Can someone be given a Hebrew name posthumously? Deceased had a Jewish mother with a Hebrew name and a Christian father. Also, can the daughter of this person, who is now an adult, be given a Hebrew name now, which she would like to have done?

I was once invited by a Chabad rabbi, and visited his home. While I was so impressed by his kindness, there was a problem - dead Rebbe, Schneerson. The picture of the Rebbe was hanging on the wall. I read a magazine, and virtually on every page there was the Rebbe. The attitude of Chabad-affiliated Jews toward the Rebbe seems to me like it might be on the level of idol worship. What do the Orthodox Jews think of Chabad Jews?

I would like to ask the rabbi a question. I was at a birthday party recently and the hostess insisted that the birthday boy not blow out the candles. Rather, she put them out by hand. Is there any basis to this practice? And, if so, what’s the difference between blowing out a candle and extinguishing it by hand? Thanks!

How are Priests selected among the descendants of Aaron for a synagouge?