Shalom aleichem Rabbi Lauffer. Thank you for answering my last question. If a Gentile wishes you "Happy Halloween," would it be permitted to answer him back "You too"? And would the same answer hold true for Xmas and Thanksgiving? Thanks a lot.

What is the ancient word for a concept? Also the current Hebrew word for Concept. Is the Concept of God a verb or a noun?

Good Morning Rabbi, I was just wanting to know the meaning of Hoshiana? And the difference between Hosanna and Hoshiana? Thank you (Name redacted for privacy)

Dear Rabbi, What does the word “kosher” mean, and where does it first appear in Judaism? Thank you.

In the Torah it states that in Biblical times people lived to be hundreds of years old. How is this possible, given the fact that people don't live nearly as long today even with the advances in medical technology?

Why is there a dot on the top right side of the first Aleph in Genesis 1:3?

Shalom Rabbi I have the flag of a nation I am living in and I plan on putting it up outside. The reason being, it is taking up space in my room and it would look nice outside, and might make some people happy. I am trying to figure out how to avoid anything that may be considered idolatrous in so doing. The custom in the country is to illuminate the flag at night. Otherwise, the flag has "fallen into darkness". In my opinion, this custom appears to be somewhat idolatrous, as it could possibly lead to worship or veneration of an inanimate object. Not illuminating the flag, however, can cause some consternation to veterans and others, which might make it a source of ire and not happiness as was intended. Is there any guidance / halakha on putting up flags of secular nations? Chag Sameach