Dear Rabbi, What is an Orthodox Jew? Thank you

I have a theoretical question: Consider there are non-human persons that exist, created outside this world of earth, but never revealed to us, which possess intelligent thought. Would it be possible for one of them to convert to Judaism (Giur, be considered a part of the Jewish faith by all)? Consider that they can distinguish good from evil. In the same vain of questions - consider they have food, very different to our, and they brought some to us. How could we distinguish which is Kosher (animal, plant, fish or none) and which is not?

According to Baal Shem Tov, the Rappaport family lineage is truly traced back to the priestly class, Kohanem, all the way to Ezra and eventually to the first Temple. Is there any truth to this??????

Good Afternoon - I am looking for the translation for fighter (from English to Hebrew). I am finding multiple spellings in Hebrew and would like to know which one is correct. I am finding לוֹחֵם and לוֹחֶם. I would like to know which one is correct, when talking about a person being a fighter or warrior for battling cancer. Thanks!

To whom it may concern, Do you consider yourself part of the Jewish race? What kind of Jew are you (i.e. Ashkenazi, Sephardi etc.)? Thanks, Matthew

Dear Rabbi, I have a neighbor who is an Orthodox Jew who just tested positive for COVID-19, but is asymptomatic. He was told by the local health department that he must quarantine for 10 days, but he is ignoring all guidelines. He is leaving his home, going to supermarkets, shul, and the homes of others for Shabbos, and having others over his house. He acts like rules don’t apply to him. He openly opposes vaccines and I have never seen a mask on his face. What can I do about him in a way I can avoid speaking lashon hara or getting him in trouble with civil authorities?

Rabbi, thank you for taking time to read and respond to my question. What level of tzedakah is giving on behalf of another? For example, if someone is having a birthday and one gives to a cause they support, what level would that be?

B"H   yo hope you're well   I was wondering, if one had a bad experience at a yeshiva, is one halachically allowed to write a public review about it, on websites such as google, simply explaining what negative events happened, without mixing in any exaggerated opinions, in order to warn others what they are thinking of getting into? Similar question goes for Jewish-owned businesses