Why does Rosh Chodesh (new moon) occur a day or two after the new moon in the secular calendar?   thank you

Can a Jewish man have an image or picture of the Virgin Mary in his home?

BSD Shalom uBrochoh! I was having a discussion with someone & we have a question regarding something that occurs in Chassdishe Shuls/Shteiblach, including Chabad Shuls. Perhaps you can answer it iyH for us. In Ashkenazic Shuls, the minhag (or perhaps halachah) is for the Rav of the shul to sit facing the Congregants, with his back toward the Mizrach. Many of these shuls also have the minhag/halachah to invite "elders" or leaders of the shul to sit up front, again facing the Congregation. It is my understanding that Rambam zatsal, and others, Posken that this is the halachah - that shuls should be arranged in this manner. One of the reasons given is that by having the Rav facing the Minyan, they can look/watch him, and iyH be inspired by his davening & kavannah, etc. The same with the others that are sitting up front. As well, the Rav can look out onto his congregation & be assured that they are davening appropriately, and if Gd forbid, there is an issue, he can more readily address it. Perhaps there are additional reasons as well. However, in Chassidishe shuls/shitblach, the prevailing minhag/halachah is for the Rebbe or Rav to sit facing the Mizrach, as all the congregants do - with his back toward the Minyan. Further, we usually do not see other mispallelim "honored" with sitting up front in the same fashion. It's most always only the Rebbe/Rav that does this. The question that we have is, why the difference? If it is a halachah to sit facing the Congregation, what are the mekoros that the Chassidishe velt relies on to do differently from Ashkenazim? Why is it different? If it is minhag, then what are the reasons for the different minhagim and what they based on? Further, do you know what the prevailing halachah/minhag is in Sefard Shuls, Nusach Eidut Mizrachi, Yemini, and with other kehillos? I would appreciate an answer, if possible, with references included. Many thanks! Time is important as we are waiting to continue our discussions. Ksivah vChasimah Tovah - Lshannah Tovah uMesukah - a goot bebentshed yohr with all of our prayers answered by HaShem Yisborach openly revealed & only for the good ... with the ultimate Brochoh of the IMMEDIATE arrival & revelations of the HaMelech HaMoshiach Tzidkeinu Shlita - NOW!!!

I have met various jews after the time that I begin to embrace 7 noahide laws. When I become friendly with them they start to give me some life advices and try to change me. I have found many jewish articles that say about make this world a better place. Religious jews and secular jews share this kind of tendency. It seems that jews are so obssessed about changing this world. Why are jews so desperately improve the world?

I found an answer on your site that says mixed swimming is forbidden. I want to share my feelings about that. For I do not believe mixed swimming is sinful and have no regrets that it’s something I do. I have always seen myself as an Orthodox Jew and never would consider anything else. I wear a kippah, daven three times a day, put on tefillin, keep fully kosher, and observe Shabbat. At the same time, I have always engaged in mixed swimming. Not just that, but I met my wife, also an Orthodox Jew, at the side of the pool while going mixed swimming. Soon after I graduated from college, I was hanging out on the pool deck when a beautiful young woman I had never seen before was laying in a bikini right next to me. I had only planned on spending up to an hour there, but I struck up a conversation with her that lasted all day until the pool’s closing time. A friendship was born that led quickly to romance. What attracted me to her was not her looks or her bikini clad body, but all the things we could relate to about life and how comfortable we felt with each other. I started talking to her because she just happened to be the human being who was sitting closest me that day. She turned out to be the purest soul. We were meant for each other and although we married almost a year later, we actually became a couple that very day. Today we have been happily married for over 40 years and we are now grandparents. We have never stopped mixed swimming and we continue to swim mixed to this day. We took our kids to the pool and beach throughout their childhood and now we do the same with our grandkids, all at the same time they go to Jewish day schools and have some of the finest Torah values. I have nothing to apologize for mixed swimming. Had I not gone mixed swimming, I would never have met my lovely wife and we never would have had so many beautiful children and wonderful grandchildren who are all fully Torah observant Jews and such an important part of the Jewish people. I have always remained faithful to my wife and she has always been faithful to me. She is still the same lovely woman as she was the day I met her on the deck of the pool. Mixed swimming has never caused me to stray and has not put my fidelity at risk. Had either of us deprived ourselves or mixed swimming, some really wonderful lineages in the Jewish people would not exist and the world would be a much darker place.

Shalom Rabbi. There's been discussion since the world began regarding "gender". As I pondered the LGBTQ label, I searched Torah for a definitive answer. It is my desire to respectfully sojourn this well trodden LGBTQ topic as Torah "truths" enlighten the way. Proverbs 23:23 Buy the "truth" and "sell" not; wisdom and instruction (Torah) and understanding. The double edged "torah" sword "slices" to the bone. Separating even unto joints and marrow. Distinguishing "treasure" from "trash" "holy" from "profane" "peculiar" from common, truth from lies. That said, I've "escavated" from the "Torah" treasury the word " Eshton" meaning "effeminate" spelled Aleph~Shin~Tav~Vav~Nun (a descendant of Kaleb of the tribe of Yhuwdah) 1Samuel 25:25 For as his "name" is, so is he. Eshton was "effeminate" ,womanish,unmanly, muliebrous. "Encrypted" within Eshton spelled Aleph~Shin~Vav ~Tav are the following : "esh" Aleph~Shin meaning fire,flame, burning (anger of G-d) Those of an Eshton "nature" provoke G-d to anger "uwth" Verb consent, agree spelled Aleph~Vav~Tav Anyone of an Eshton "nature" are "consensual" in "heart" and "deed" "owth" means "omen" "warning" spelled Aleph~Vav~Tav They who "practise" an Eshton "nature" are "obliterated" if they refuse to repent of their doings. " athown" means she-ass spelled Aleph~Tav~Vav~Nun ) Eshton "nature" denoting stiff neck rebellion. "attuwn" means fiery furnace " spelled" Aleph~Tav~Vav ~ Nun) conotates Eshton "nature" that "feigns" obedience to Torah and is "designated" "fuel" for the "fire". "own" means ability,wealth,power "spelled" Aleph~Vav~Nun )many of an Eshton "nature" possess great abilities , wealth and power "aven" means evil,sorrow, vanity, iniquity, idolatry, false,unrighteous "spelled" Aleph~Vav~Nun. The Eshton "nature" fosters vanity and profanity. "nuw" Verb means hinder, restrain,forbid, make averse "spelled" Nun~Vav~Aleph The Eshton "nature" has an "aversion" to the " internal " "eternal" light of Torah making it ineffectual for them. "ow" means desire,if "spelled" An Eshton "nature" is a "desired" choice of the "heart". " eth" means among,with, against ) All of an Eshton "nature" are "among" the Gentiles, mixed multitudes, heathens with "hellish" intentions. Torah infusion is the antidote of provention. Rabbi, is there any "validity" to this "exhaustive" yet "enthrallingly controversial study? I'm all ears! Best Wishes, Yishrah

Hi Rabbi, Are there any teachings about “superheroes” in the Torah or in Jewish literature?

Is there a "definitive" explanation about what does and doesn't need to be tested for Shatnez? I can't seem to get a consistent answer. Some I ask say that only certain suspect items need testing while others list a set of items that amounts to the majority of my wardrobe. What is the commonly followed halachic view of this matter? Does everything need to be tested when possible? Does a 100% cotton [etc.] tag matter? If I have multiple items from the same package, like socks or underwear, is it okay to test just one of them? Thank you and have a wonderful day and onward.