Is a ritual washing cup a holy object that is supposed to be reserved for just ritual washing? My friend uses her ritual washing cup for a myriad of other purposes for which she finds it practical. Including washing the kitchen floor, washing windows, cleaning other parts of the house, cleaning her baby during diaper changes, watering the plants, and filling the urn with water, to name a few.

Kabbalat Shabbat services order of the ending prayers - Amidah, Vayechulu, Magen Avot, Kiddush, Aleinu, Mourners Kaddish. In some prayer books the following verse is inserted before Vayechulu - Vayehi erev vayehi boker yom hashishi (and it was evening and it was morning, the sixth day). Why is this verse inserted in some prayer books? And why not in all prayer books? Someone told me that it may have something to do with saying the prayers in synagogue vs at home.

Shalom aleichem. This video came out in the 80’s. It was an introduction to Judaism. Starts with creation, goes on to discuss all the holidays. It featured a family explaining everything about Judaism. I believe the video was intended for children primarily. The “father” had a mustache. In the seder segment the wife eats grated horseradish for maror, says that if you want to feel what it’s like to have fire in your mouth, this is what it feels like. (Or something along these lines). Do you recognize this video and know the name of it? Thanks.

Is it a bad idea to ask for wealth from God? I think that it is not if one cannot himself/herself do any work because of one's own health.