Out of intellectual curiosity, the rabbanim here said If I have some curiosity and question about Sheva mitzvot Ben noach I should ask a posek who deals with them. Who’re some of these rabbis?

To clarify, rape by deception is defined as a person misrepresenting something about themselves before l sex with a person (I don’t believe it’s rape). Also the your response’s phrasing was odd , what about women who coerce men into sex? Isn’t that rape in Halacha?

to clarify my previous question, I mean to ask do poskim believe a talmid Chacham can pasken to assume something isn’t shaatnez using chazaka (compared to a layperson who isn’t familiar with the Sinamin of it) or no? Not that It changes physical reality

According to this answer, the Taz believes that a Talmid Chacham has the right to pasken for himself, however there is an exception if something has a previous status of prohibition. Can a Talmid Chacham pasken for himself something is not shaatnez using Chazaka under this logic, or since the previous status of whether it is shaatnez is unknown is that not valid in Halacha?

According to Halacha, minhag of a married couple follows the husband. What is the Halacha about the minhag for a secular married couple who become Baalei Teshuvah later on? What about a religious woman who marriages a secular man who later becomes a Baal Teshuvah?

According to a sugyah in the Talmud Yerushalmithere were rabbis who held the opinion you should recite a beracha when taking off tefillin. Why nowadays do almost no Jews practice that, with the only exception I know being Rabbi David Bar Hayim?

Halacha prohibits rape. My question is whether “rape by deception” is classified as rape in Halacha

According to Halacha, is the animal free Remilk from Israel considered dairy for the purpose of seperating meat and dairy? Or no, since the milk is not from a live animal is it considered pareve and therefor isn’t prohibited from consumption with meat (as long as there is adequate showing it is not animal milk so there is no problem of Marit Ayin)?

According to Halacha, eulogies are not allowed to be held on Isru Chag of Shavuot, and there is a very strong minhag for the other Isru Chags. My question is, does this also apply to a hesped for a Talmid Chacham?