According to the Chofetz Chaim, is it against Halacha and Lashon Harah to inform others that a person’s a sinner to prevent them from breaking Halacha (that a person violates kashrut, their house has electric sensors on Shabbat, dress immodestly etc.)

Is there any chiyuv in Halacha for hiddur mitzvah regarding Lechem Mishneh, or no? And if so, is the mitzvah of beautification an obligation for the bread itself (making it beautiful by braiding it) or for the plate/knife, or both?

According to Halacha, what percentage of tzedakah given should go to a baal teshuvah? Did the Chofetz Chaim give a P’sak on this?

According to Halacha, do Mikvaot (which are outdoors, not covered by a roof) require hasgacha to be presumed kosher, or do the poskim allow for a Chazakah it remains valid even without supervision? Does it depend on the rain and weather cycle of the area? Sources please

is frying food considered ochel nefesh on yom tov, despite not being the traditional method to cook? Does it make a difference if it’s air frying or oil frying?

Is there a mitzvah of simchah on the day of kiddushin, or only on nissuin?

Although some (I believe minority although minor be wrong ) of the poskim are machmir in Halacha with prohibiting opening regular plastic bottles due to make B’patish, do they all permit opening a glass bottle since the cap isn’t screwed off but popped off?

Is the concept of davar charif, found in Hilchot Yoreh Deah/Issur Veheter considered as subjective depending on what an Individual finds spicy in Halacha or no, is it universal?

Some poskim rule using aged wine for kiddush (40 days) as hiddur mitzvah, also wine being aged affects the Halacha for Hatov vehameitiv. If a Jewish Astronaut is in space, do they use the earth zemanim/time to determine a wine’s age or outer space’s?