Will the promised Messiah eradicate all kinds of wicked people from the world when he comes?

Trump claims he is the CHOSEN ONE, a messiah, do you believe it? If not, please explain as to why not?

Good Day Rabbi, I am writing a Sci-Fi novel set out at a time when the Messiah sits as king in Jerusalem. My question is about the Jubilee year. From my reading of scriptures it is marked as the 50th year in the cycle. When was the last year, before the loss of the Temple, that a Jubilee year was celebrated? Please give the CE year and the Jewish year if known. Additionally, does a Jubilee year include the previous Shabbot Sabbbtical year, the 49th year, meaning that there are 2 years of no planting in the fields? One more: how would Tevia (Fiddler on the Roof) handle his cows during those 2 years? If it was a 2 year celebration? My apologies for so many questions. Just a bit of background, from work my oldest son has done with DNA and census records my father's family may have been conversos who settled in New Mexico. All males in our family have been circumcised as a family tradition. Thank you for your answers.

My view of the adversary is in line with Judaism. This is, of course, is a 180 from how I grew up in a Christian faith... which I no longer follow any more. I share many videos of Rabbi's with my mom, and she would like to know what will come of the adversary, in the coming age of peace. I hope my question makes sense, and thanks in advance. (name withheld)

So we all ready know that when the Meshiach comes all Jews will go to Israel. When that happens will all Jews permanently stay in Israel and never leave? Or will Jews leave Israel temporarily for business and pleasure?

Hello i wanted to know more about the Messiah. I wanted to know if they might have a prophecy about a woman giving birth to the messiah. If there are no prophecy stating the messiah is being born of a woman can the messiah still be born of a woman? Instead of him being already grown can the mark be on a woman to have the messiah. If so what would be the prophecy the woman would have to fulfil in order to be the messiah's mother. Are christians prophecy similar to jewish prophecies concerning the Messiah? Thank you

Good evening! I recently read the book of Ezekiel Chapters 40-48 and was very surprised to read that there will be animal sacrifices in the New Temple.