I've heard that it's in the Scriptures that the people of Israel are waiting for the day when they'll abide with God Who'll be in the personage of the Messiah. 1. Is this true? 2. If so, where in Scripture can this be found?   Thank you, Eddie    

When Mashiach arrives, will he erase the history of Edom? [i.e. ancient Rome] I cannot see how his reign on the earth would be attached with the history of the wicked.

The messiah is obviously Jewish. Is it because Jews are wise and smart? Is it because Jews are righteous and holy? Why did HaShem decide that the messiah would be Jewish?  

Dear Rabbi, I want to ask you a very interesting question. Many famous Kabbalists said that the messiah will come at in the 6th millennium. This year is 2020 and the Hebrew year is 5780. Now I am confused: Does he come after 3980 years if we count from the English calendar, or after 220 years if we count from the Hebrew calendar. Please clear up my confusion.