Is it permitted for a Jewish person who has no desire to ever be married or have a romantic partner and would not be happy in a relationship to remain single by choice their entire life?

Does any form of the sororate or sorogate exist in Jewish Law? Did it exist post-Torah?  

How far do beds need to be separated in non clean days?

What is the Jewish view of elopement? My girlfriend and I are very much in love, but for reasons very personal to them, both my parents and hers forbid us to marry each other. A local rabbi our families have jointly consulted with said we should not marry each other because our parents objections would cause them too much embarrassment. We can’t take this and want to elope as soon as possible. If we go behind the backs of our parents and defy the local rabbi and get married in front of two witnesses, would our marriage be valid? Would it be cursed in any way? Would any children we have be tainted?

My wife complains that I get up at 430 am to study and pray, so I stopped doing that. She complains that I go and daven Neitz, so I stopped doing that. She complains that I am always at the shul, but I go three times a day to daven. When I want to study in the evening, she complains that I want, sometimes, to go to the Kollel and study, and at home, she complains that if I begin to study, I'm not spending time with her. So I end up having to watch TV with her, which is what she thinks is spending time, we then go to bed. She gets mad because I snore, so I tell her I will go downstairs and sleep on the couch so she can sleep; then she complains that I don't want to sleep with her. So I stay in bed and try not to sleep so that she can sleep. I'm trying, and I am lost at what to do.