I have a question for your "Ask the Rabbi" series. At a Jewish wedding the groom places the glass under his foot and smashes it into several pieces. What is the significance of this act? I have a friend who is soon to be married and he asked me this question.

As a non jew can I see the marriage of my jewish friend who will be married.My jewish friends are junior than me(Their age is below 20 years and I am 35 years old).I do not married but I like to see marriage of various person

Can a non jew attain on the marriage of a jew?

I did not attain any jewish marriage so I am asking those questions.Does the jews get married only by signing ketubah and exchang rings? If no what else more they do?How does the jewish prist or rabbi perform the marriage ritual?Does any portion of torah must be read during jewish marriage if so which portion should be read during jewish marriage?Does the prist or rabbi blessed the couple after marriage?Please answer because I like to see marriage of many person

Dear Rabbi, isn't 20 the recommended age for a young man to wed? It is not necessarily the best age in my opinion, but I believe that is the age many Orthodox Jews consider to be correct.

I want to get married. Who in Jerusalem can help me find my soulmate?  

Dear Rabbi, in Biblical times did the Jewish people practice polygamy? Were men permitted to marry more than one wife?

I am planning to get married soon and would like to have some helpful information to distribute to relatives and friends attending the wedding. Especially for the many non-observant people who will be there. I am sure they will be curious and interested in what is going on. Not just about the wedding ceremony, but also about the process leading up to it. Do you have anything I can give to them? Thanks!

I have stumbled upon a website called "Saw You at Sinai." It's for singles. They request two people as references. Is it ok to have a sibling serve as a reference? Also when someone goes to a traditional matchmaker who makes the first connection generally? One's parents?