I know the Gemara says that one should look at the brothers of a girl to know what the children will be like, but what about a girl who is an only child? Who will her kids be like?

I have spent the past seven months planning a retreat in Mexico this upcoming December. I already signed contracts agreeing to the dates of the retreat and to be there for the event. Lots of people paid their dues, expecting to see me in person. This is all binding, and if I renege on my agreement, I lose an opportunity to make a lot of money and disappoint a lot of people and damage my reputation and that of my business. My brother got engaged recently and he and his fiance went and planned the wedding on one of the days of the retreat, unaware I had this scheduled. They tell me they cannot change the date of the wedding. My parents and my brother want me to forget about the retreat and come to the wedding to see my only brother get married. What should I prioritize, the wedding that my parents and brother want me to be at, or the retreat, which is important for my business?

I have always thought a first born is supposed to get a greater inheritance. Unfortunately my son who is my first born has done some things that are so bad and unforgivable and he will never change his ways and I wish to cut him out of my will. Besides him, I have two wonderful daughters. I wish to split everything between them 50-50. Is this okay?

Hi Rabbi, I hope you are well. I'm really struggling and i don't really know who to turn to. I don't really struggling with my sexuality or my Judaism alone but together its really hard for me like i cant enjoy one without hating the other, what's most difficult is feeling like an outsider no matter where i go. I know there's a huge sentiment of togetherness and community but i feel a really large amount of Jews left behind and stranded. My main question is asking if you have any advice at all on how to enjoy all parts of my identity to love both my gayness and Judiasm? I've reached out to a religous person before they said its hard and complicated (which i already know, i have to live it) and that i need to understand what it means to be a gay jew But i dont really know how to start understanding that or where i must go to find an understanding of that? Im really sorry to bother with this and if you have any ideas or advice id really really appreciate i really cant live like this. Thank you Regards, (Name Withheld)

Dear Rabbi Jesus told a parable about 10 virgins, some who didn't have enough oil when the bridegroom came at midnight. Can you please explain what is meant by this part of the marriage tradition? Thanks. Jonathan

I saw your answer to a user about conversion at birth of her kids. I know several people who have had their kids converted, either shortly after birth or as toddlers, when the mother did not convert. The rabbis permitted this, because both parents wanted it. Why would your answer be different than these rabbis?