Dear Rabbi, isn't 20 the recommended age for a young man to wed? It is not necessarily the best age in my opinion, but I believe that is the age many Orthodox Jews consider to be correct.

Hi Rabbi, is it true that a Jew with a tattoo cannot be buried in a Jewish cemetery?

My Bar Mitzvah is coming up soon, and I am very, very nervous about it. Do you have any advice on how to get over this fear? Many thanks.

I want to get married. Who in Jerusalem can help me find my soulmate?  

Dear Rabbi, in Biblical times did the Jewish people practice polygamy? Were men permitted to marry more than one wife?

If a soldier is missing in action, since there is no body but there is still a chance that he is alive, what is the rule regarding sitting shiva and a funeral service? Especially if his parents think that he might still be alive?

We just had a new baby girl. Must I name her at the first possible opportunity – the first Torah reading after the birth? Or may I wait a more extended time before naming her? Thanks.

Shalom, Judaism teaches that Jews have a Jewish soul. Does this claim have biblical evidence? Where in Bible is this claim hinted?