My husband is sitting shiva for his mother. This coming Shabbat is the last day. Is it permitted to have guests for Shabbat dinner?

May a person with a tattoo be buried in a Jewish cemetery?

My daughter is pregnant. Is there a Hebrew prayer that I can say at Passover? Could You give me the Hebrew and the English for the prayer? Thank you

Is renting a hotel as a place to sit shiva allowed? I have seen many people do it, but never anyone Orthodox. Though hopefully it is many years away, I realistically know we will one day have to sit shiva for a particular relative who is in a nursing home. Our house is not a practical place to have over tons of shiva visitors.

Question about having an aliyah during shiva week states that the mourner may not be called to recite the blessing over the Torah reading (Aliyah). My rabbi also follows that standard. If husband dies and leaves his wife, daughter and son-in-law, and grandson, am I correct that only the wife and daughter would be considered the mourners? If so, the wife and daughter would not receive an aliyah during the shiva week. Could the son-in-law or the grandson have an aliyah during the shiva week?