Hi Rabbi, we are expecting our first child, a boy. How do we decide who should be Sandek (the person who holds the baby at the circumcision)? Each of our fathers wants the honor but it’s stressing my wife out (and me too!). Any advice you have for us about choosing while avoiding family politics and drama would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.

I have a question for your "Ask the Rabbi" series. At a Jewish wedding the groom places the glass under his foot and smashes it into several pieces. What is the significance of this act? I have a friend who is soon to be married and he asked me this question.

Good Morning Rebbeim - My (Jewish) friend just passed away. Unfortunately he had gone off the derech in a big way - married out, converted to Christianity (or so he thought), baptized his children - the whole nine yards. Is it proper to arrange Kaddish from him? And if his parents don't know the Hebrew name of their son (or their own for that matter), how is Kaddish said? Thank you.

I’ve noticed that while Ashkenazim name their children after animals, Sephardim do not. I’ve also noticed that Sephardim will name their children after living people but Ashkenazim do not. Why is this?

Dear Rabbi, I am newly observant. My parents are close to 90 years old and my mother has directed that her body be cremated. I have tried to bring up this issue with no success. Do you have any advice for me? Perhaps you know of an article I can send them which may be easier than me speaking to them about it. Thank you.

Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden and G-d declared henceforth women will have pain in childbirth. How can doctors then give anesthesia to women when they deliver?

Person's memorial plaque shows Oct 1, 1947 as date of death. The Hebrew year is 5708. It shows a letter (which is cut off; it might be BET) This is followed by a space and then דחוה׳מ סוכות Please explain what these words mean? What is the Hebrew date in Tishrei that this person died?

I was born on May 19, 1958: Can you tell me the Hebrew date for my birthday? Can you tell me the parshah portion for my Bar Mitzvah?