A relative of mine just got engaged and I asked her how they met. She told me that a “matchmaker” introduced her to her fiancé. Is that still practiced today and not just something from Fiddler on the Roof? Thanks.

One of my children complains that I favor his brother over him and am nicer to his sibling. I play favorites of his brother over him. I’m not aware that I do this. Do Jewish teachings say anything about playing favorites? Thank you.

Hi, I’m a Jewish teenager who just finished high school and plan to go to college after the summer. I went to Sunday school until bar mitzvah and stopped. But I still have a basic question that I never got answered: Where do we go when we die? Thanks.

Dear Rabbi, I am in the process of shopping for a burial plot at a cemetery in my area. A cemetery that I'm looking at, from what I was told, has Jewish sections and non-Jewish sections of the cemetery. Is there any prohibitions regarding a Jew being buried in a cemetery that also has non-Jewish sections? Doesn't the Mount of Olives behind the Temple have non-Jewish sections?

Dear Rabbi, I know the Bar Mitzvah age is 13 and 12 for Bat Mitzvah. Is there any rational explanation for this? Does something special happen to the person at these ages that makes them turn into adults for the sake of Jewish practices?

I’ve seen Jewish parents educate their children to perform mitzvahs before bar or bat mitzvah age, which I assume is to ready them for being adults. Why then do I not see young boys wearing or owning tefillin? Thanks for this helpful service.

Is it appropriate to send flowers to a mother who just gave birth?