What is the minimum needed for an Askenazi wedding ceremony in the back yard ? My son plans a wedding G_D willing this summer. He does not have a rabbi to officiate and set up what is necessary. He lives in Long Island NY and would like a frum rabbi to arrange and officiate. Can have a few names? thanks

A Bris is traditionally conducted during daylight, following the Morning Prayer service. If this is not possible, it can be done any time during the day. However, a Bris can NEVER be done at night, which according to the Jewish calendar, begins at sunset. Why can a bris not be done at night?

Is it ok during the 12 months of aveilus, to go away to a Pesach program? If yes, does that include being able to attend any music or entertainment event during Chol Hamoed?

Dear Rabbi, we just had twins – a boy and a girl. What are the customary ceremonies in Judaism following the birth of a baby boy or girl? I am only aware of the circumcision for a boy. Thank you.

My wife past away and wanted to be buried close by so we can visit the gravesite. There is a family plot on the opposite coast where I’d like to be put to rest when my time comes. She agreed to follow me there at that time. Is it allowed to move after you’ve been placed to rest?

The 13th month, how is this expressed in Torah? What is the "parameter" to adjust the time for the Feast Days? Thanks