I just saw a TikTok video that said a wedding ring according to Jewish law cannot have any engravings on it, including the numbers of karats. When my wife and I got married, I was unaware of this. I didn’t even pay attention to this when I bought the ring. After learning this, I looked at her ring and noticed it says 14K on the interior. We’ve been married 32 years and we have grown married children and grandchildren. Does this mean our marriage is passul? The rabbi who married us is long deceased, so we can’t go back to him.

What are the laws regarding a woman who gives birth to a boy? How long must she wait till having relations? Do all the rules of niddah apply like not sleeping together, touching etc?

I hope you can help me find resources. My friend in Los Angeles houses 3 Ukrainian refugees: a woman in her 40s, her 80-year old mother, who is undergoing treatment for cancer, and her 16-year old autistic son. My friend is a Jewish man. The son has severe emotional problems and has not adapted well to the U.S. He is currently being openly anti-Semitic. My friend has asked the JDL and other resources in his area and has been told they cannot help him. My friend is a very intelligent man but after two years of kindness, generosity and love towards this boy, he is at his wit's end about how to deal with the hate and fear.

How do I know for sure if I married my beshert, if I married the right person? Is it possible to have what one perceives is a happy marriage with someone, only to be unaware that they married the wrong person than whom G-d has intended?

Hi Rabbi - We are baal teshuva and my parents are not observant. How do we deal with this with our young kids? They do not keep shabbat, kosher etc and we dont want our kids to learn from these ways. What is the best thing to do without making an averah of kibud av ve'em? Is it ok to keep distance from them and potentially hurt their feelings if it means keeping our kids pure and observant?

Sir, In Finland nowadays growing number of dead bodies are cinerated i.e. burnt to ashes. What is Jewish opinion about this ? I mean religious opinion. Finland is mainly atheistic country today probably due to Luther doctrine. Will those people go to Hell after their death because their bodies are burnt and those people themself also by freewill want that their body is burnt to ashes after their dead ? Best regards, Kari Laiho Finland

Dear Rabbi, What is the best way to deal with a high school age son who eschews Torah study in favor of secular entertainment, much of that conflicts with Torah values?

Through a database, I’ve been matched to a stranger who needs a kidney. I would like to donate one of my kidneys and save a life. But my wife is pitching a fit. She is upset that I am giving up so much for someone I have never met and will probably never meet and won’t have a kidney to donate if a family member needs one. I have tried to get everyone I can think of to talk to her, but she hasn’t changed her mind. She says she will divorce me if I do this. What is the right thing to do?