I would like to teach my children Navi. However, I remember seeing a Rashi who says we don't teach children Navi. I would like to tell them selected stories is there any issues with telling them such stories.  

Please help me understand the discrepancy in Tanakh between 2 Chronicles 22:2 and 2 Kings 8:26 concerning the age of King Ahaziah. Thank you!

Hi, I was speaking with a Muslim recently and as expected he said the Torah as the Jews have it is corrupted and they have the real version. But he did point out a discrepancy that I wasn’t expecting. In Kings II 8:26 it says that King Ahazia took the throne at 22 years old. But in Chronicles II 22:2 it says that King Ahazia took the throne at 42 years old. My first thought was that Chronicles has some sort of inferior status in the cannon regarding authority of content. But I’m not sure. In any case, how do we reconcile this weird contradiction?

do we know anything about menashes mother other than she was the daughter of Yeshaya Hanavi? when the gemara says that Chizkiyahu knew "thru Ruach Hakodesh" how come we seem to understand it as he knew thru nevua when they are two different ways of coming to know things? how can we hold Menashe responsible for his actions? does the Gemara that describes Chizkiyahus wife serving wine at his meal with the babylonian messengers have what to do with why Menashe was who he was? what is the meaning behind the story of Chizkiyahu throwing Menashe and Ravshakeh off his shoulders? (berachos 10, hagaos haBach)

Is Judaism able to identify the descendants of King David in the modern world? If 'yes,' who are they? If 'no,' when did the line end? Thank you.

Are the following 3 statements true? 1. Ahinoam married Saul and gave birth to Mikhal, Yonathan, and other children. 2. David married Mikhal (Ahinoam's daughter). They had no children. 3. David married Ahinoam. She gave him an heir, Amnon. Is Ahinoam the same person who married Saul and married David? How old was she at the time of each of her marriages? If Ahinoam was Yonathan's mother, and Yonathan and David were about the same age, wouldn't she have been too old to bear David children?