Dear Rabbi, We find that several acronyms are quoted from verses in reference to the month of Elul. For example, the first letters of the words "Ani L'dodi V'dodi Li – I am my Beloved's and my Beloved is mine" (Song of Songs 6:3) – spell "Elul" and are seen as a reference to the God's closeness to us during the month of Elul. But isn't "Elul" a Babylonian word? Is it authentic that verses in the Torah would be alluding to words that aren't Hebrew? Thank you

Shalom Aleichem, I hope you are all doing alright during this time of war. My question is about the Zadok Priestly Calendar, I was wondering if it is at all accurate. Because I've noticed that the dates if the feast days are close to the dates of the Hillel ii calendar.

I know that the hour of the day you were born has significance to your mazel and type of person you are. I am having a hard time calculating what hour I was born. I was born in the summer. End of tammuz at 5:10 pm. Which hour is that?

Why does Rosh Chodesh (new moon) occur a day or two after the new moon in the secular calendar?   thank you

I have two questions: 1) What is the most comprehensive source for the rules regarding the Shmita, and also the Sabbath and Kashrus? 2) I understand that during the Shmita, assuming one lives in Israel, one is not to consume produce planted during that year. Therefore one needs to buy produce from a rabbinically supervised source. So my question is: Are there such sources only in Israel? Or are there supervised sources of produce in America?

Hi Rabbi, why do all Jewish holidays begin at night?

King Saul celebrated New Moon for 2 days. Is there a special celebration for New Moon, New Month? King Saul had a feast each day.

Is this coming year (2018-2019) a leap year with an extra month? And why is a leap year a month longer - seems like pretty drastic calendar swings! Thanks.