Dear Rabbi, when I visited Jerusalem for the first time I noticed the divider at the Western Wall. What is the purpose of this division? Thanks.

Are the Western Walls bricks that we see today actually those that were used in the time of the Temple? And was the Western Wall built underground?

What is the correct Torah outlook regarding the upcoming 2018 elections — both for Israel municipalities on October 30, and the US midterm elections on November 6? The US elections seem to be of greater interest and importance than any other midterm election in memory! Thank you.

A relative was a farmer. I'm a city boy and never really got what he did except for enjoying the great food that he produced! I was wondering what significance Judaism places on agriculture - besides the food. By the way, my relative lived simply by my standards, but was certainly very happy and righteous. Thank you.

in the Bible i rread about zion---- what is zion --- is it jerusalem , the temple area , all of israel --- what is the meaning of "out of zion" ========== shalom ==============aj