Hello Rabbi, I am a Christian, and as such I am commanded by God to support Israel. I live in a small town with no synagogues or Jewish community centers and all I have to donate is my time and energy, as my finances are spoken for before I get them, is there anyway a gentile like myself can show support for Israel? I’m a pretty crafty guy as I can sew, crochet, knit, cross stitch, and design patterns for these kinds of projects. If you can think of anything that might be helpful please let me know. Sincerely, Craig SGT. U.S. Army (Ret)

Dear Rabbi, With the current war that Israel is fighting, I hear a lot of talk about teshuva. What does it mean and who is it for? Thanks

Dear Rabbi, I must admit that recent events in Israel and the world frighten me. What does Judaism teach about dealing with fear like mine? Thanks!

Dear Rabbi, What are the Rabbinical leaders saying about the current war in Israel? How long will it last? Should we worry? Is there anything special we can do that might be helpful? Thank you and stay safe there in Israel

Shalom. My question is about what the Torah says about Israel and UN / World Leadership / International Relations. It is written that Israel is.... "a light unto the Gentile nations", and in the Holy Torah it would seem as though Hashem is implying that Israel is (or "should" be) completely independent (in order to be the world's #1 leader) and as such to implement and conduct all the healing of international relations that TeeKoon Olam implies. (including BTW the negative effects of Global Warming as well as Nuclear Threats and Nuclear Proliferation). a) If Israel is indeed "a light unto the Gentile Nations" then where is the leadership that we should come to expect? In other words, why then is Israel dependent on the USA for financial "charity" (i.e. Foreign Aid Tzadakah--and to a lesser extent --military support?) Why isn't Israel COMPLETELY INDEPENDENT? My thinking is that it's not that Israel isn't smart enough to manage an economic engine on their own--we know verifiably in all honesty--who in the world has the brains to generate a national income. Yet Israel remains a main recipient of charity when its not necessary. Although Tzadaka is normally acceptable, is this not shameful because it is not necessary? Secondly, why is Israel not "leading the gentile nations visa vi the UN? like why isn't Israel the main representative in a United International Government? I mean given the Tzurice and Drek the world is consistently facing, due to the divided nature of the current structure of the UN (a confederacy) is this not most logical method of bringing peace into the world? Would not a Federal Union led by Israel with it's capitol in the USA be much more effective at achieving world peace than the current status quo? It just seems as though what it is written in the Torah is contradicted by the reality we see on the TV news each and every day. To summarize: How do you explain this apparent contradiction between Torah telling us that Israel is the world's leader and yet Israel isn't even on the UN Security Council? (and Russia is) --thus: How is it that Russia is more of a leader of the world then Israel? This makes absolutely no sense and so I'm extremely curious as to your hopefully --detailed-- answer. Toda Arba. Shalom Havarim.

Dear Rabbi, my question is: Does a Jew have an obligation to vote in an election? Thank you.

Is one who makes aliyah required to stay permanently in Israel to fulfill the mitzvah of living in Israel? Or can one who does travel back to their home country often? I have long desired to make aliyah, but I have lots of interests in the United States, including my aging parents, other family, close friends I want to see often, business interests, and entertainment I enjoy. I would probably have to go back and forth quite routinely, sometimes more than once a month. I am thinking of maintaining homes in both countries. I have the means to do this, but I want to know if I can still fulfill the mitzvah of living in Israel this way.